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Gratitude Catalyst

Hi, I’m John Israel

Long before I became Mr. Thank You, my lessons in sales and influence began in my teens as a semi-professional skateboarder pitching myself to companies for sponsorship. Competition was fierce! So how did I wind up working with some of the biggest brands in the industry when there were so many kids just as good or better than me? I became more “relevant” to the companies’ success than my competition.

I stopped talking about my goals, and started asking about the brands’ goals. Instead of just wearing a t-shirt with a logo, I built relationships for my brands and actively fought for them to get shelf space at local skate shops. That wasn’t in my “job description,” but putting them first made me their go-to choice.

As my skating career ended and my business career began, those lessons of human connection and relevance became the cornerstones of my sales success. In a few short years I became the #6 rep out of 10,000 sales associates across the country. When the housing crisis of the 2000’s hit, and many businesses were devastated, relationships I had built and nurtured stayed with me and supported our companies’ success.

Work with Me

Looking back on those relationships and the human compassion and connection that carried us through that crisis is what inspired my year of thank you cards, which made national news and catapulted my philosophies into the public eye. After that, I started up Mr. Thank You as a speaking, coaching, and consulting business, and the rest is history.

I’ve now been featured on ABC News, Fox News, Good Morning America, and helped global brands like Square, ReMax, and Fairway Mortgage, among many others, and my message is simple:

We don’t need to optimize analytics more—we need human connection in our day-to-day business. Since founding Mr. Thank You, I’ve spoken to thousands of audience members, consulted corporations, and coached sales leaders nationwide on the importance and principles of customer experience, sales culture, and leadership.

I want to show you how easy it is to create real results by investing in re-humanizing your workplace and marketplace.

Work with Me

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Follow me on social media for tips, lessons, and updates.

What I love helping you do is:

Building a Business You Love that Loves You Back

I love people and the bond that can form when we can answer these 3 questions:

What do they value?

What are their goals?

Where do they hurt?

Armed with these answers, we can show up to serve to the highest capacity by aligning our products and services with what matters to those people who we interact and build relationships with.

By keeping focus on the individuals we are serving, we create retention. A brand that makes someone feel valued and respected is one that sticks in a person’s mind and takes priority over those competitors with a strategy of cut-and-dry business. With loyalty as a reliable resource, you will have people willing to go to bat for you to see you succeed—just like you do for them.

Cut-and-dry business is a great way to make a sale—and digital apps are very good at transactions. But they’re poor shells in the human connection and loyalty department. The fact is that every business is a people business. What does management, sales, customers service, and fulfillment all have in common? They’re made up of people. Human beings are the drivers of business, and that personal touch is the key to keeping your customers for the long-term. From the manager, to the team, to the clients, brands need to create a culture of connection to remain competitive.

This is how we become irreplaceable. Let me show you.

Work With Me

My Favorite Blog Posts

June 25, 2021

The Lens of Gr@titude

Lense of Gr@titude Have you ever seen someone launch a business and think, "Man, I should have done that?" A few weeks ago, a client whose charity I spoke for…
June 25, 2021


This is an extraordinary story about my father Ronald Robert Israel: I still remember the day my parents sat me down to say that my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s…
June 25, 2021

Addicted to Commitment

Addicted to commitment… Many people don’t know that one of the inspirations to the Mr. Thank You Project was a book called, “The Year of Living Biblically: One man’s Humble…

Learn About My Journey


Gratitude Salesman

As a corporate gifting consultant, I sent thank you cards to 5 people every day for one whole year. Not just, "thanks for the time or business," but "thanks for all that you do, all that you are, and all that you stand for." It was an experiment of intentional gratitude that opened my eyes to the power of authentic human connection. Little did I know it would grow my business and start a global movement.

Mr. Thank You

Taking the notion of thoughtful appreciation to the marketplace grew my business and provided a first-hand example of how a appreciative organizations can create loyal customers. After sharing the story at a few entrepreneurial events, demand for the message through speaking, coaching, and consulting grew.

Social Movement Expands

National and international media learned of the Mr. Thank You story and expanded the message, catalyzing the Thank You Revolution movement. Millions of people were impacted and inspired to express intentional appreciation through hand-written Thank You cards.

The Future: Rehumanizing The Market

I'm now fostering a new kind of business and marketplace that revolves around genuine, positive relationships in sales and leadership. We have the tools for the hard numbers—now's the time for human interaction, clear vision, and aligned goals to promote everyone's success. This is the key to Becoming Irreplaceable!

Are You Irreplaceable?

How do you become someone your clients and team members don’t want to live with out?

John’s free video series gives you 4 simple steps you can take right now to make sure you’re building the profitable and loyal sales relationships that will put you ahead in any economy.

Get the secrets to being irreplaceable today!